Green Crack Indica Vs Sativa

2020. 2. 29. 18:13카테고리 없음

  1. Green Crack Vs Blue Dream

It may be faster to grow a plant with hydroponics, but without dirt, you are skipping a huge process in nature. There is a reason plants grow in the dirt. Though a plant will grow faster in a hydro system, the plant will be lacking flavor, other than its natural, buddy, THC flavor. See, the plant absorbs whatever it takes in, and ends up tasting like it. If you put your plant in some rich, tasty soil, it’ll produce a really tasty bud. If you put it in dry worthless every day outdoors soil, the plant itself will taste like dirt.

Green Crack Vs Blue Dream

And hydro is more expensive, so for the poor and patient, there is nothing wrong with some good quality soil.;)0 0. Bubbleponics,vs hydroponics vs soil, bubbleponics veges fastest and has close tighter nodes, buds at the same speed, while soil veg is lankier, about 60 percent as fast (example: 30 days soil 11″ 5 inches if measured left to right, while bubbleponics at 30 days 18 inchesd tall and as thick as a ceder tree. The tests have been done.

Indica vs sativa effectsGreenCrack

Sorry, bubbleponics wins. Constant air, water and nytrient suppliesd to root zone, cant be beat. See stealth hydro for proof of the most amazing root system you will ever see.0 0. I have pulled off an organic aero run but it was the dirtiest nastiest cleanup job afterwards. For taste it is all about using a natural chelating agent. Highly refined rock salts with fulvic acid (the only real tried and tested ‘natural’ chelator) in a hydro system can get plenty of tasty results. Most of that stuff is fairly straight forward soil science.But for a simple breakdown, charged particles need a neutralizing chelator to make it through not only the root but all manner of other cellular membranes as well.

Little tiny water soluble hydrocarbons found in the water soluble extracts of soil have been chelating every living thing until we invited chelating agents. I have first hand seen fulvic acid make ALL the flavor difference in a number of peoples gardens.If you just want bigger there is always the carcinogenic paclobutrazol.I am all for organic but if you’re gonna preach it like a religion at least know what it is.People use animal shit from I’m sure super healthy animals(sarcasmwhat kinda factory farmed shit do you think bone meal and the like comes from) and think that’s the important part of ‘Organic’.AS FAR AS TASTE IS CONCERNED ‘ORGANIC’ VS ‘NOT ORGANIC’ IS ALMOST SOLELY ABOUT FULVIC VS SYNTHETIC0 0.